I again conducted another questionnaire. I asked the same equal amount of female and males (which was 3 each) and asked 6 in total. It was important to have a equal number of both of the gender as this represents that the female gender is gaining more equality in horror films as they tend to be the antagonist which over powers the male.
My target audience is 15-26 therefore so I asked people within this age bracket. There is two people that answered they're in the 30+ age bracket so it gives my media texts a wider target audience than originally expected.
After watching my film trailer, does the narrative make sense to you?
I was fairly okay with the answers I collected from this. Some of the people could not identify the narrative and found that it did not make sense at all. They could not identify the true antagonist. Some said it was conveyed very well, that it was professional and that there were some good elements of psychological horror.
80% enjoyed watching my video which was a great overall positive bearing in mind that I had no professional actors or a good budget. 20% did not enjoy due to it not reflecting the horror genre all that well, expectations were not that great and wanted more (particularly the first half of the trailer).
What would you change about my film trailer?
This question was integral to my evaluation as I could reflect on what I could have done to improve as my target audience did not enjoy some aspects. It was a mixture of positive and negatives. Some said that the dialogue and soundtrack would need to be improved. Specifically, the dialogue can't be heard in the scene where Ryan speaks directly to Danny. The soundtrack towards the end could be improved by making it more high pitched so it creates more tension. Some shots were repetitive. I understand that some shots are repetitive but I did not want to disclose much of the plot. If I revealed too much then it would spoil the film completely.
60% of the people asked said that they would go to see my film trailer. 40% said no. It's almost a 50/50 split which is quite pleasing. I can understand why 40% said no though due to the repetitive scenes, audio was not good in certain places and nonsensical plot.
90% said that they enjoyed my film poster which I was extremely pleased about. I put a lot of effort into making it. Most people praised the use of background colour, the mixture of white, grey, brown and the use of blood. My main image was also praised due to the de-saturated, sinister look. The one person who did not agree said that the main image is not that effective and the typography used could be adjusted even more to reflect the genre.
What would you change about the poster?
Only one person I asked had suggested improvements. This person said that you could perhaps use a room in the house featured in the film trailer with eerie effects added like drop shadows. Text could be adjusted by having blood dripping from the text. Most people loved the consistency though between my film trailer, poster and website. The tagline "Once you see her, you will die" is featured across all three products. In the film trailer this message is featured in the final scene where the close-up of Alx's eye is featured.
I explained to my target audience that I took influences from The Blair Witch Project and Sinister interactive websites. I made psuedo facts and created a psuedo investigation in to the disappearance of Alx, Danny and Ryan. I illustrated this by text and pictures. 90% of my target audience found that the information provided is good. But one person didn't because they found that the website isn't that interactive. I acknowledge this but it was difficult to actually develop interactive material in the time provided to make my products plus I did not have the knowledge for this.
70% said yes which means I have achieved continuity to an extent which is quite pleasing. 30% said no because the film poster's background is a little more pale as opposed to the website background used which is a bit more lighter. They said it was done well however and the blood dripping from the top is featured on the website and poster. This all coincides with the tagline "Once you see her, you will die" which is the last scene in the film trailer as stated before.
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